Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Language Barrier

Here's a sketch I'd like to share in my blog.Although it's somewhat a different scenario from mine,but I find this sketch funny.It's about an English miner who met a chinese girl and later encountered the so-called "language barrier".Just watch the video.

This reminded me of my first months living in a foreign land and adapting to new culture, new climate and new environment.In Belgium these are not enough to be able to adapt to the new place.In a country where 2 different languages are dominating, I have to say it's much of a challenge.Although many people here understand English,they'd prefer if you speak to them in their own language.

Belgium is a country of best beers and best chocolates,and is also the country of divisions between Flemish and French-speaking Belgians(called Francophones). Here, an immigrant has to encounter both Belgians inside a public bus or in any public place.Here, to be able to speak French has an advantage because most people in Brussels are french speaking.But learning Flemish "neerlandais" is usually a "must" especially if you are looking forward to get a professional job in Belgium.Many of the employers and business owners are Flemish so during interviews, my knowledge in english and french languages can still make me less qualified because they usually prefer to hire applicants who are bilingual which means french-netherlands speakers.

The funny thing is,Neerlandais language is only spoken in parts of Belgium.You can't use it outside Belgium.Even like going to The Netherlands(Dutch-speaking) you'd still not be THAT much understood because although many of the words are likely similar,the pronunciations are mostly far from being understood.So,I don't really see the great importance of learning that local language here.My brain can no longer take another language to learn.You see, I know how to speak 4 different languages... Bisaya(from Cebu island),Filipino(our national language),English(considered an international language) and French(spoken in France,part of Belgium and part of Switzerland).So don't tell me I don't know how to adapt and understand you.Sometimes I get tired of just trying to understand other people's mentality and not being understood by them.