Nowadays,people are complaining about the prices of commodities.Basic needs have become less and less affordable even to the people with average income.
Few smart people working for years to find solutions that would fill up the energy shortage in the near future manage to create promising stuffs yet with prices that only rich people can afford.We all know that there's limit to this source of energy we're getting right now. As humanity is finished digging up all the fossil fuels and all there are left of the limited resources, where can we go to ask for help?
Brazil has already its alternative to petroleum consumption which is bio-ethanol.Some farm tractors in Europe run with colza oil.Some experimented with used oil from their kitchen fryers which I think is too risky for the motor engine.
The problem is not finding the solution to the future crisis.The solutions are already found.The only real problem is the investment....those people who have the money to invest on solutions want to profit more so they'd prefer investing on limited resources rather than the unlimited...because they know they can control the money inflow... that's what happens right now.Businessmen controls the money profit through overpricing due to what they call as the "low supply and high demand".We will just expect another oil price increase next year due to another lower supply and higher demand.And then what's next?
If they are really serious on solving the energy crisis,they should start to invest on projects that will provide clean and renewable energy...and please make it affordable for the majority of the people.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Clean and Renewable Energy: For What Price?
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