We arrived around 10 pm at Hilton Baynunah.Though the 3 of us were tired we were still able to get out and go to Golden Fork to eat our late dinner....not really late for our stomach to complain since it's only 7 pm on Belgian time.At last we're back to the same Golden Fork we've been last year in Khalidiya near the Sheraton.The next morning Matyu was already too excited to go back to the swimming pool located at the 29th floor.He still remembers we've been there already.
From the 29th floor I got a glimpse of the surrounding views once again.It was pretty nice to see the progress they have made after almost one year.We were here May of last year and the temperature was hotter that month(36-43 C).In the afternoon we waited for our rented car to be delivered to the hotel at no additional charge rather than picking it up ourself.We didn't know it was possible until Pradeep told us.
And again,Matyu did not forget to ask to go to the swimming pool.After all the trips we had he stil does not get bored of swimming.
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